Home Nature preserves Prediction of unconventional magnetism in doped FeSb2

Prediction of unconventional magnetism in doped FeSb2


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For many years, it was widely thought that all collinear magnetic antiferromagnetic (FA) are spin degenerate, with the exception that the crystal structure beneath lacks co-orbit spin. This is mostly a definitional aspect of antiferromagnetism. It’s also used to distinguish ferromagnets and. Recently it was demonstrated that a new type of magnet with an antiferromagnetic structures and without sharp magnetization, but with an almost ferromagnetic reaction in many aspects might be possible. We anticipate that


It is widely known, but isn’t understood well regarding magnetic properties. It is an magnetic that is not conventional and can be modified by doping by one of Cr or. Additionally the calculated anisotropy of magnets can be used to reveal the unique properties of.


It is widely thought that the energies band of common collinear antiferromagnetics (AF) that contain 0 net magnetization are the result of Kramers spin degenerations. Kramers non-degeneration is typically connected to a complete break of time-inversion symmetry (eg by ferromagnetism) or the combination of orbit spinning interactions and the disruption of spatial symmetry. Recently, it was discovered that a different kind of spin division occurs in collinear magnets where the spin is completely symmetrically compensated non-relativistic and is not necessarily non-centralosymmetric. The materials have an un-zero shift in the density of spin in space as is seen in traditional AFs however, they also exhibit a division of spin space momentum, usually observed only in ferrromagnets. This creates a mixture of characteristics of materials that are typical of both ferromagnetics as well as AFs. We will discuss this newly discovered class, and how it can be applied for FeSb 2, a well-known semiconductor and we predict that when alloyed with certain alloys, it will become metallic and magnetic displays the magnetic dualism. Combining a significant distance between spins and a net magnetic field compensated by the metallicground state, particular easy magnetic axis creates an extremely abnormal Hall conductivity (~150 S / cm) as well as a powerful magnetic-optic Kerr effect, which are thought to be the characteristics of a net magnetization that is non-zero. We have identified a major part of the abnormal response due to orbit spinning interaction of nodal surfaces that have anti-Kramers spacing, which is a distinct mechanism from nodal lines as well as weyl-points in magnetic materials.


    • This application was approved on September 2, 2021.
  • Contributions by authors: IIM and L.S. made research; IIM, KK, MDJ, and RGH. and L.S. carried out studies; IIM, MDJ and L.S. the data were and analyzed. IIM, MDJ and L.S. wrote the paper.

  • They have announced that there aren’t any conflicts of interest.

  • The article an PNAS submission.

  • This article contains additional information online at https://www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073/pnas.2108924118/-/DCSupplemental.

Data availability

All data from the study is included in the study as in the SI Annexe.